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Welcome to Canberra Primary School’s website.   We hope that it gives you a flavour of daily life at Canberra.
At Canberra Primary School our pupils are at the heart of everything that we do and we constantly strive to ensure that they are provided with a happy and safe learning environment where they receive the encouragement, challenge and support they require to achieve.
Canberra Primary School is an inclusive school where children are treated as individuals and nurtured to develop their skills and abilities.  We have high expectations of all of our children and recognise that they need opportunities to be both successful and challenged if they are to become independent, self-motivated and resilient.  We believe that the wide range of fun and creative learning opportunities provided combined with our caring ethos creates the conditions necessary for our children to achieve.
The partnership between home and school is central to our success and we aim to ensure that all parents and carers have the information they need to support their child.  We hope that the information, photographs and news articles available on our website helps to achieve this aim.
Please enjoy browsing our website!

HMI Inspection (added 7.6.24)
We are delighted that our HMI report was published this week.    A link to the summary letter can be found here.  The full reports are published on the Education Scotland website.  Links to them can be found here - School - Nursery  The nursery achieved 4 x Very Good grades and the school achieved 3x Very Good and 1x Good grades.  We are very proud of the school and nursery achievements which are down to the hard work of all members of our community.

P7 Leavers' Events (added 7.6.24)
Our Primary 7 Leavers' Assembly takes place on Wednesday 19th June at 9.30am (doors from 9.15am).  Parents/carers of Primary 7 children are welcome to join us to mark this special occasion as the children celebrate their time at Canberra.  Tea and coffee will be served following the performance.
The Primary 7 Leaver's party takes place on Thursday 20th August 6-8pm with parents/carers welcome to join in the fun between 8.00-8.30pm.  The theme is 'Neon Disco'.  We can't wait to boogie the night away and to spend some final quality time with our wonderful Primary 7's!
Wednesday 26th June - Primary 7 children will dismiss into the playground at 1.05pm and will be clapped out by staff.  Families are welcome to meet them in the playground to celebrate their last day at Canberra!

Nursery Events (added 7.6.24)

Our Nursery Celebration is on Thursday 20th June at 1.30pm.  Parents/Carers are welcome to attend this special occasion which celebrates our children's achievements and allows us to say goodbye to our pre-school children who are making the exciting step into Primary 1 in August!  Tea and coffee will be served following the performance.
The Nursery end of year party is on Friday 21st June.  We can't wait to have fun playing party games and dancing the morning away with our wonderful children. It will be a great end of year celebration for them!

Our school and nursery newsletters are sent out in a Sway each month.  They have been changed to a PDF format for the website and this means that some features and the layout might not work as effectively as in the originals.

Primary 1  
Primary 2  
Primary 3 
Primary 4 
Primary 5
Primary 6
Primary 7

March newsletter

Nursery March newsletter


Parent Council
The Parent Council meets monthly on a Monday between 6.30-8.00pm.  All parents/carers of children from Nursery - Primary 7 are part of the Parent Forum and are welcome to join the Parent Council, which supports the school with decision making, fundraising and putting on events.  Please contact the school office to find out more.

Parent Council office bearers & meeting dates

Parent Council minutes Nov 23

Parent Council Minutes Jan 23

HMI reports March 2024

School                     Nursery                            Summary letter


Breakfast Club    

8.15am-8.45am (P1-P7 only)

School/Nursery day


Break: 10.30am-10.45am (school only)

Nursery lunch: 11.30am

Lunch: 12.15pm-1.00pm


Canberra Primary School                                                 Phone. 01355 224362                                              

Belmont Drive                                                                   Fax.     01355 263392 

East Kilbride                                                                     Email. 

G75 8HD

Directions to school